Why Loving You Feels Like Watering Rotten Flowers.

gracia chronika
2 min readFeb 27, 2024

I can’t tell about a lost soul, but I can tell if someone is denying love.

This story is about someone who wants to be loved by anyone, everyone, and everywhere. But instead of trying to be loved, she closes herself to other people and the feeling of denial is creeping in.

“Do you know what love is?”

“Do you know what love is like?”

\Those questions are walking around minding her business in his uncrowded mind\

And someday, this man came in. Talkative, all green, well shaped face and most likely has a good attitude. He made her think that she deserved to be loved again. She deserves to be loved this time, right now, this moment, even if they just met and their eyes caught each other sight.

Days went by, and they never talked. All of their tension is real, they just met in the morning, at the small space. (can’t tell the exact location, he might read this). She reads his mind, “I just know that he also wanted to talk to me, but why he never did?”.

She feels him like he is a long-lost love.

Who suddenly return without warning.

“Loving You Feels Like Watering Rotten Flowers” is a story about a girl who loves this one man, and never changes throughout her life. She always trying so hard to love him, but he never tries to love her back, there’s no love signal between the two of them. She is the loneliest woman on earth, she always calls herself a “watering can” and he is the “rotten flower”.

How hard she tries to give him all of the 5 love languages in this world, he never knows her presence, he never wants to try a bit.

In the end, his love never grows, and her love is abandoned.



gracia chronika

I do love writings since I was in elementary school! enjoy!